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Consciousness, a complex and multifaceted concept, refers to our awareness and perception of ourselves and our surroundings. It's the thread that weaves together our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences, forming the tapestry of our subjective reality. Consciousness can be explored through various disciplines like neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, and meditation, each offering unique perspectives. It's also central to practices like mindfulness and self-awareness.

Five Things to Know About Your Subconscious Mind
Five Things to Know About Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is like a massive memory bank, storing and retrieving information for you. It controls over 94% of your life, while the conscious mind only handles a fraction. It runs routine functions, forms habits, and takes everything literally. Unlike the conscious mind, it stays focused on the present moment. Understanding its power can help you reprogram your thoughts and actions for positive change.